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Burbio School Tracker 6/18:      Starting Line

Written by Dennis Roche | Jun 18, 2024 12:10:28 PM

1. In our May 28th Tracker we summarized the tens of billions of grants in Burbio's State Funding Source Tracker, which clients use to identify incremental opportunities for school district partners. One dynamic of the state grant market is that grants are announced publicly with deadlines that often come shortly thereafter. Even as districts are completing their budget processes for 2024-25, the state grant process for the upcoming year is starting - and ending in some cases - as grant deadlines come quickly. Below are just a few examples of what we are seeing: 

2.  Burbio's Superintendent Turnover Tracker monitors changes in district leadership, documents status of searches, indicates where a district's new Superintendent came from, and if the former Superintendent has gone to a new district, identifies the destination. We have looked back at activity since the Fall of the 2023-24 academic year. The chart below shows - from five example states - the percent of districts with more than 3,000 students where a position has opened up during that period. The figures are in a similar range; note that in Florida some Superintendents are elected positions: 

3. In a recent Burbio School Tracker we reviewed 2024-25 budgets for the top 50 districts with the highest amount of ESSER III funding-per-student. This week we continue the review. While not present in every district, we note the following levers these "ESSER heavy" districts are using to sustain increased expenditures and/or preserve the classroom experience:

  • Districts have remaining ESSER funds to be deployed in 2024-25
  • State and local funding increases versus 2023-24
  • Dipping into reserves to cover deficits
  • Cuts to staffing - generally in the administrative area, but on occasion through school consolidations. 

Below are looks at district budgets from across five states: