K-12 Checkbook Registers

Search our dataset of thousands of school district checkbook registers for vendors and spending categories to gain competitive intelligence.  Use to target districts based on competitive and/or category spend, estimate market shares and trends, nationally and by state and more.


Product Features

  • Custom Keyword Searches for vendors, products and/or spending categories

  • Monthly updates add to historical data for each district

  • Keyword matches mapped to districts by NCES ID and includes District demographic data (Enrollment, County FIPS, FRPL)
  • Keyword Searchable Document library with links to all district check register documents


Dataset Coverage

  • Check register documents for 2,000+ K-12 Public School Districts

  • Covered districts represent 40% of US K-12 Students

  • District coverage of over 50% enrollment in key states of California, Florida and Texas


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