ESSER III District Detail
- Use our dataset of 7,000+ districts to find those with ESSER III funding in your target categories
- Over 100 categories across Academic Intervention, Technology, Facilities, Mental Health, Staffing and more

Product Features
Burbio has currently tabulated by category over $90 billion in planned spending for 7,000+ districts covering 83% of US K-12 public school enrollment. Our detailed dataset breaks spending levels down to over 100 sub-categories within the five primary categories below (click to see list of subcategories).
- Datasets updated monthly with updated actual ESSER spend and updated categorized spending for districts with updated ESSER plans.
- Dataset includes source links to all identified plans
- ESSER III “Actuals” updated from state dashboards and schools budgets
- Fields include NCES Codes, latest enrollment, ESSER III allocations, district name, state, county, number of schools, district FRPL percentage
ESSER III Spending Categories

Academic Intervention and Learning Loss
- Summer Learning
- Math/ELA Coaching and Programming
- Tutoring
- ADA compliance/improvement
- Support for students with disabilities
- Instructional Materials
- Afterschool Programs/ Extended Day
- Weekend Learning
- Instructional Software/Licenses
- Student Assessments
- Family Communication and Training
- Community Engagement
- Credit Recovery
- College and Career
- Student Attendance/ Enrollment/Re-engaging Disconnected Youth
- Arts Education
- Instructional Software
- English learners/ Translation/ Interpretation
- Work/Project-Based Curriculum
- School Culture and Climate/Safe and inclusive learning environment
- STEM Program and Supplies
- Learning Hubs/Community Center Learning Support
- Library Services
- School Supplies
- Physical Education
Physical and Mental Health
- Public Health Protocols including COVID Testing, Vaccination, Contact Tracing
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
- Wraparound Services
- SEL Program/Curriculum
- SEL Training / Materials
- Coordinating Covid-19 Preparedness Response with Health Departments
- Counseling and Mentorship
- Training on virus mitigation and minimizing spread of infections diseases
- Nursing Equipment, Supplies, Health Clinics
- Transition Coordination
- Healthcare Hubs
- Mental Health Services for Staff
Facilities and Operations
- Air filtration, HVAC, Heating, Cooling
- Repairing / improving school facilities to reduce risk of illness
- Construction: Addition to existing building/new classrooms/new buildings
- PPE/Supplies: masks, cleaning wipes, gloves
- Outdoor Classrooms/Playground Equipment/Shade Structures
- Preparedness and Response Efforts
- Windows/Doors
- Furniture/equipment for increased spacing
- Custodial Equipment and Cleaning Supplies
- Nutrition Program
- Nutrition Equipment
- Athletics Facility Upgrades
- Security(Cameras, new locks)
- Water Bottle Filling Stations
- Sidewalks/Parking/Fencing
- Create Calming Spaces
- Purchase/Rent Modular Classrooms or real estate for spacing
- Planning, coordinating, and implementing school closures
- Asbestos Removal
- Lighting: UV lights for disease mitigation
- Student ID cards--touchless
- Electrical
- Bus Air Purification
- Student Mobile Devices
- Technology Infrastructure and Hardware
- Virtual Model/Online School/Distance Learning
- Connectivity
- Smartboards
- Software
- Cybersecurity
- Student Information Systems
- Central Office Tech
- Bus Wifi
- School Board Tech
Staffing and Retention
- Staffing/Teachers/Academic Interventionists/Guidance Counselors
- Staffing- Psychologist or other Mental Health Professional
- Staffing- Support Staff
- Staffing- Nurse or other Physical Health Specialist (eg, speech therapist)
- Staffing- Summer School
- Staffing - Custodial
- Staffing - Virtual Learning
- Staffing- Tutoring
- Staffing - General Administrative
- Staffing - Technology
- Staffing- Afterschool
- Staffing - Transportation
- Staffing - Security
- Staffing - Nutrition
- Staffing - Library Techs
- Staffing - Athletics
- Staff Bonuses/Hazard Pay/Overtime
- Class Size Reduction
- Teacher Licenses
- Maintain Services, Recruit and Retain staff
- General Professional Development
- Additional Teacher Planning Time